
My name's Deb, how lovely to meet you! I'm so glad you stopped by...

In November 2008 I made my first sock monkey (yep, that's him alright)....and as they say...the rest is history...

In February 2009, Sock It To Me! was born and my life used to consist of Teza by day (Good afternoon, you're speaking to Chaos Control & Crayon Girl, how may i help?) and monkey business by night.

It was very exciting but I left my home and reality for a crazy journey of enlightenment around Asia. So, here I am soaking up the sights and sounds of sunny Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and working for CLEO, the coolest mag ever. Thanks again for stopping by, sit back, relax and Happy Reading!

xoxo Miss Deb

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The life of leisure...

Hello puppies...how's it hanging?

Yes, jobhunting is well, going. I have a few things in the mix that I hope to hear back from this week. Meanwhile, in my spare time, I have been going to the gym, sewing sock monkeys, watching movies while stuffing monkeys and reading lots. I wanted to share a few books and a lovely movie I watched today.

There's a library at MANZA (Malaysian, Australian, New Zealand Association) House which I visited recently. If you don't know this already, I'm a huge fan of libraries and borrowing instead of buying books. I've yet to find a public library nearby to where we live. The great thing about the MANZA library is that most of the books were donated by expats traveling around like us, so I am pleased to report that it is a treasure trove.
I finished Backpack by Emily Barr which I think is a must read for people who've travelled around Asia. It is a bit of a thriller too so don't read it while you are traveling alone if you scare easily like me. I could really relate to her experiences, not the 'charlie' withdrawals but the misconception of some travel destinations in Asia. Her skewed view of her relationship with Tom tugged at my heart strings, do we all have to go through the same thing? I guess so...

Also, finished Lolly Winston's Sophie's Bakery for the Broken Hearted. Now that lady can write! It was an absolute pleasure to read...and extremely relatable and very funny. I highly recommend this one to anybody who loves books about falling over and finding yourself. It was a little like Eat, Pray, Love minus the zen wisdom. Looking forward to reading more stuff by her!

And lastly, I watched Julie and Julia this afternoon. A beautiful movie about learning to cook French cuisine and the cathartic nature of cooking. I loved it, Meryl Streep is adorable in it and Amy Adams wasn't too bad either, I can't say I'm usually a big fan of hers. Watch it, but if you're not convinced, think about this: Passion. Ambition. Butter. Do you have what it takes?

Our lovely friend Michelle's birthday bash is this evening. She doesn't know this yet but she's getting her very own sock monkey tonight. Yay! Happy Birthday, love!
Speaking of birthdays, yes, I know I still owe you a post on mine...I haven't forgotten, let's just say it's taken me a little while to recover. Tee hee hee!

Talk soon and I hope you're having a howdy-do-dee day!
Miss Deb

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