
My name's Deb, how lovely to meet you! I'm so glad you stopped by...

In November 2008 I made my first sock monkey (yep, that's him alright)....and as they say...the rest is history...

In February 2009, Sock It To Me! was born and my life used to consist of Teza by day (Good afternoon, you're speaking to Chaos Control & Crayon Girl, how may i help?) and monkey business by night.

It was very exciting but I left my home and reality for a crazy journey of enlightenment around Asia. So, here I am soaking up the sights and sounds of sunny Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and working for CLEO, the coolest mag ever. Thanks again for stopping by, sit back, relax and Happy Reading!

xoxo Miss Deb

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day's at the beach...

Those are the best kinds of days if you ask me...

Just wanted to share a slice of paradise with you. I find photos like this keep me sane when all I can think about is work!

And of course, I'd like to crack a smile out of you so here's a photo Dean took when I wasn't looking, sneaky bugger...who says girls can't climb trees?

Miss Deb


  1. heehee, love the photo of you in the tree!

    girls are the BESTESTEST climbers ever!! LOL, we don't say: ouch a branch. Gigs.

    xox Nie.

    Missed ya at KB and Heleen!!

  2. Aww..missed you guys too! Am gonna aim to do the next one...

    LOL...ouch a branch hahahahha!

    Still waiting on those photos of you in your costume Liv!! So happy that your having such a fab time over there!


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