It's raining outside at the moment..the kind of misty rain that is enough to make your hair frizzy but not enough to give you the 'i just washed my hair and i look hot' look. But man does it look a lot like really light snow....hmmmm, pretty! This is the view from my work space...

So Kraftbomb 6 - the Christmas Special was yet another success story! Well done ladies! I had a fab time as usual but encountered a wee drama before i arrived...the night before i'd been working away like a good Christmas elf until 1.30am and the next morning i was up with the birds at 7am getting more done. So when 9 o'clock rolled round i was psyched that everything was sorted, stuff was all packed and i just needed to get my butt in the shower. My flatmate Seanie had offered to give me a ride to the Grey Lynn Community Centre so that base was covered too. (Now, i've only lived in Aucks for a year so my sense of direction is still improving...) To cut a long story short, Seanie took a wrong turn and we ended up in Henderson! (it's okay Seanie, these things happen and i definately don't hold it against you!) Gah! So when i finally arrived i had like 2 minutes to set up my stall. The wonderful ladies on either side of my stall were so helpful (thank you!), they must have seen the frazzled look on my face...both of you were an absolute godsend! I'm sorry i wasn't better company...normally a lot chattier and personable but being that late despite of being so super organized really rattled my cage. Alas, i conclude that everything happens for a reason...and whatever it was, i'm sure it was a significant step in the right direction in the grand scheme. So thanks to the wonderful Niella of Just a Lil Paper Goodness...i at least have one photo of me and my stall...thanks hunny!

Oooh, and of course i gotta show you the new additions to the sock monkey family...
These two bad boys are made from some seriously awesome socks i got from Colorado (the shop not the place), they are super soft and snuggly!

And yes, i have a thing for love hearts..:)

And nautical monkey...i'd been meaning to make a monkey out of baby socks for ages and i finally did! He was a hit...will have to make more for next time!

Ah yes, I also sold quite a few of my reversible headbands which was mint! It all started out with me making one for me and thought they would make nice Christmas pressies so i made a few more and then everything spun out of control and before i knew it there was a huge pile of gorgeous fabric begging me to use them and me sewing until wee hours of the morning with doorstopper and towels stuffed under my door hoping to muffle the noise and not wake my flatties. :) (will be tweaking the elastic bands for them for next time though, to accommodate more heads hehe, i only had mine and boy flatties around to test sizing out on!)
My organized chaos / workspace at home:

One more shot of my stall where you can see my clothesline (complete with mini pegs) of headbands...yipee!

That night, Dean and i were invited to go to The Do in the Zoo with his family. It was organized by Air New Zealand and heaps of people went. It was kinda cool to get to go to the zoo after hours but too bad that most of the animals were asleep. I took my camera with and tell time!
This is Dean's nephew Callum..a.k.a. marshmallow man...

Then we have close up shot of Mr Hippo by Dean...(being tall has its perks in a crowd of people, i must say. It's a pretty cool picture so i got to give credit where it's due eh?!)

Look at this little meerkat posing for me! Cute-ness!

Well, i think that's all for today folks...bring on Christmas!

Have an awesome one, be safe and much love from all of us at Sock Monkey HQ,
Miss Deb