
My name's Deb, how lovely to meet you! I'm so glad you stopped by...

In November 2008 I made my first sock monkey (yep, that's him alright)....and as they say...the rest is history...

In February 2009, Sock It To Me! was born and my life used to consist of Teza by day (Good afternoon, you're speaking to Chaos Control & Crayon Girl, how may i help?) and monkey business by night.

It was very exciting but I left my home and reality for a crazy journey of enlightenment around Asia. So, here I am soaking up the sights and sounds of sunny Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and working for CLEO, the coolest mag ever. Thanks again for stopping by, sit back, relax and Happy Reading!

xoxo Miss Deb

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Don't do vintage or edgy...

I can now safely report, after scouring the streets and malls of KL that nobody does vintage or edgy clothing. So needless to say they don't have cool workwear in that vein either.

As soon as I get my first paycheck, I'm going to shop til my heart's content ONLINE! First stop, Etsy or maybe even Market Publique, can you recommend any good ones that ship overseas?

Then I'll get to have gorgeous little work/play outfits like this...

Miss Deb


  1. oh i got one that looks like this from 'cue'. super cute for work.but i spose that doesnt help since it aint online....hmmm what about modcloth?


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