
My name's Deb, how lovely to meet you! I'm so glad you stopped by...

In November 2008 I made my first sock monkey (yep, that's him alright)....and as they say...the rest is history...

In February 2009, Sock It To Me! was born and my life used to consist of Teza by day (Good afternoon, you're speaking to Chaos Control & Crayon Girl, how may i help?) and monkey business by night.

It was very exciting but I left my home and reality for a crazy journey of enlightenment around Asia. So, here I am soaking up the sights and sounds of sunny Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and working for CLEO, the coolest mag ever. Thanks again for stopping by, sit back, relax and Happy Reading!

xoxo Miss Deb

Monday, March 9, 2009

So spoilt!

Yet another birthday parcel arrived recently!

This time from my best friend Linzhi all the way from the United Kingdom!

Linzhi, Doris and I have known each other since we were 12 or 13! Hence why she has embarassing photos like the one below to use against me as and when she pleases.

Tee hee hee, thank you my dear Linny!! I love it all!!

Miss Deb

P/s Promise a real update real soon!


  1. i cant believe u posted that photo on your blog :D haha! glad it arrived safely!

  2. Parcels in the mail are one of the best things in life.

    I love your sock monkeys, they are tres cute!

  3. How come MY things never arrive?!?!?!
    ooo..if ur wondering what.....

    Christmas cards 2007, 2006
    Birthday card 2006.
    this is why I know post people hate me........they dun even want to deliver my cards!:(

  4. L_Zee: Haha I think you looked the silliest so figured I had nothing to lose hahaha X

    thisisweeny.com: Totally right!? Maybe someone should start an online community where we all draw names out of a hat and send a fellow crafter a wee package with goodies every month or so. Thank you, my sock monkeys think you're cute too! X

    Mingming: Well are you sending it to my most recent address? All the places I used to live in still have people I know so they would forward it on surely...poor you! Don't worry though, its the thought that counts and you can buy me something from Tiffany's to make up for all those missed events tee hee hee j/k X


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